
Teknologi yang digunakan di Sea Games XXVI

Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT) kian mengembangkan teknologi pencegah hujan di SEA Games XXVI. Banyak peralatan modern yang digunakan oleh BPPT dalam menerapkan teknologi pencegah hujan. Peralatan tersebut diantaranya adalah Automatic Weather Station, Doppler weather mobile radar, pemeriksa suhu dan iklim, peralatan higroskopis, serta peralatan canggih lainnya.

Ada dua metode yang akan digunakan oleh BPPT dalam menangani hujan di SEA Games XXVI.

· Metode stabilitas awan

Cara kerja metode ini menggunakan pesawat Casa 212 dan pesawat Cesna yang aka berperan untuk menaburkan bahan higroskopis ke dalam awan.

Ketika ada awan yang baru muncul, dimana biasanya tersusun atas 100 butir air persentimeter kubik dengan ukuran masing-masing 10 mikron, awan tersebut dapat tumbuh menjadi awan hujan saat menerima tambahan uap air. Untuk itu bahan higroskopis ditaburkan kurang dari 30 mikron agar awan tersebut tetap stabil

· Metode proses lompatan (jumping process)

Metode ini digunakan seandainya metode stabilitas awan kurang efektif dan awan masih berpotensi menimbulkan hujan. Cara kerja metode ini kebalikan dari metode stabilitas awan, dimana dalam metode ini akan ditaburkan bahan higroskopis lebih dari 30 mikron sehingga memaksa awan yang baru tumbuh tersebut untuk segera menjadi hujan agar curah hujannya tidak terlalu besar.

Sumber : http://sintamelani.blogdetik.com/2011/11/18/2-teknologi-canggih-di-sea-games-xxvi/


The Functions/Benefits of the Blog

1)Self-actualization Media : One of human needs is to be recognized by others

2)Sharing Media : We can share what we know or what we don’t know to others via blogs

3)Your Life Journal : We can express our experiences. And someday we can remind it by read the post

4)Emotion Releaser : We can express our feelings & emotion. So, blog can be your “emotion releaser”

5)Promotion Media : We can bring internet users to your blog and make
them read what you are promoting

6)To Get Income : There are 2 ways :

a. Direct income: Blog is used as a “shop” of your business

b. Indirect income:Blog is used as an advertisement media


Safe Blogging Tips

  1. Think before you post.
  2. Be smart of the photos you post.
  3. Keep identifying details to yourself.
  4. Be careful about sharing feelings in the blog.
  5. Be very cautious about about meeting in person someone you only know through blogging.
  6. If you think there's a problem, report it IMMEDIATELY.
  7. Don't forget to sign out and never leave the blog when it's still logged in.


Achievment Motivation Training

Hi, I want to tell you about AMT.
On Thursday, 27th October we had a diagnostic test, consist bahasa indonesia, math, and science, and english. After that there was meet and sharing with alumni.
Last Friday, on 28th October, the second day #18 went to Hotel Grand Pesona at Sukabumi. We stayed there 2 days one night.

At Grand Pesona we got so much motivation from the motivator to help us pass the national exam. And we studied how to make an amazing and attractive mind mapping from Mr.SGM. After that, we pray Dzuhur.

After break time, we continued the next training by Dik Doank, he told us about his experience. Then we had a break time and pray Ashar and continued from a motivator named Mr.Aris. He gave us so much motivation.

And we had break time again for about 2 hours, my roommate(alea,sekar,diana) and I took a shower then we had dinner.

The next training is from the other Mr.Aris, he gave us so much motivation too, but in a different way. When it was about 10pm we went back to our room and we went sleep, what a tiring day but very exciting.

I woke up at 4am, and I woke up my roommate to pray Subuh. At about 6:30 am we jogged around the hotel for about 30 minutes and we took a lot of photos!

Then we went back to our room, and took a shower, and we have to packed our stuff because we will go home soon.

We went back to the auditorium and do our last activity : Write Our Life Proposal. The teacher gave us papers. We filled the papers with our targets, destination, goals and etc. Then we have to signed the papers. And we have to read it out loud and prayed to Allah to grant our life proposal.

After that we pray Dzuhur and went back to Labschool.

I'M REALLY EXCITED, thanks for the other amazing experience

Oh, and I lost my umbrella there-_- I've been looking for but I can't find it, how cute.
Well, that's all about my story on AMT, what's yours?

Ok, bye, thanks for reading!